Foundation FAQs
Is my contribution tax deductible?
Gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by state and federal law. Dignity Health Foundation - Inland Empire is a not-for-profit organizations as provided under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
What is the foundation EIN/Tax ID?
Dignity Health Foundation - Inland Empire Tax ID# 23-7440086
How can I make a gift to the Foundation?
You can make a gift online, by calling us at 909-475-5024 or via mail. Learn more.
What kinds of programs and services are funded?
The Foundation supports programs and services in these main areas:
- Start-up funding for new programs and services
- New facilities and campus improvements
- Care to the underserved
- Community outreach
- Advanced medical technology
Learn more about What We Support.
How will my gift be recognized?
Donors of certain levels are also permanently recognized on the Foundation’s donor wall at both Community Hospital of San Bernardino and St. Bernardine Medical Center.