Legatus de Cor Dinner 2022

Legatus dé Cor Dinner 2022

On August 9, 2022 the inaugural Legatus dé Cor dinner took place in the Rezek Centre honoring planned giving members. New members honored and in attendance were Linda Paramo (representing the late Sharell Paramo), Mike Salazar, Shelby Obershaw, Tom Brickley and Dr. Janice and Bill Lemann. Members honored but not able to attend, Velvalee Bailey, Pat Fischer, Claudia Schnarre, Margaret Soffa and Berenice Dunham. Once you are a cherished planned giving donor to Community Hospital of San Bernardino or St. Bernardine Medical Center, you will become part of the lasting legacy of a planned giving society called The Legatus dé Cor Society (Legacy of the Heart). We want to recognize donors  for the impact they leave in our community by “giving of the heart” through a planned gift.

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